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This Dress Has a Story
I started this story about a dress in 2014. It was actually a story about two dresses. Dresses of different prints, but with the same accessory, which led to my obtaining dress #2.
As things happen with me in writing, I jotted down a draft of this dress story while it was fresh on my mind. Then time moved on and I never finished the story.

What are the Chances?
“How is Kent your cousin?”
This was a question that came to me via Facebook Messenger from my friend, Julie. She and I went to college together. She and Kent grew up together.

I am the Stepmom
“Hi. I’m Sandy. I’m the Stepmom.”
I found myself saying this repeatedly at my stepson’s college parents’ weekend. My husband, Garrett’s son, Jake, is a sophomore at Oregon State and a fraternity brother at Pi Kappa Phi. Jake’s freshman year Garrett went to Parents’ Weekend solo. This year I tagged along, enjoying my role as the invited stepmom.

Survivors for Smokey
I don't even know where to start in describing this day. Our day for Smokey.
A random Facebook event post. A trip to get a signed wine bottle at a grocery store. A missed movie. A bunch of strangers. An aging R&B icon. A really long wait. A group of new friends.
Yeah. It went something like that.

The Neighbors
With every great first meeting, there is a story. The moments in time where lasting relationships begin. This is the case with my neighbors of Elm Circle. Over the last nineteen years, we have co-existed like a close extended family. There were times when we needed each other, but was also the comfort in distance between own homes. My neighbors perfected the art of knowing the difference.

The Boise Adventure | Day 2
The part of our move to Boise I have been most looking forward to is exploring new places and meeting new people. I have all kinds of ideas about what these recent days will look like, but that fun won't start quite yet. First I need to play catch up on work projects post-holidays.